Instagram Feeds I Love

Instagram is by far my favourite social media site. I'm totally addicted to it and I check my feed at least 10 times a day. I love to get a glimpse into others' everyday lives, and today I thought it would be fun to share my favourite Instagram feeds with you.

1. glitterguide

The Glitter Guide's Instagram contains fashion, beauty, food and home decor pictures.

2. baublebar

The online retailer's feed features pictures of its lovely jewellery and fun quotes.

3. narsissist

The makeup brand's Instagram is filled with pictures of gorgeous makeup and makeup looks.

4. blaireadiebee

Check out the Atlantic-Pacific blogger's account for her outfits of the day.

5. deliciouslyella

Check out the London-based vegan food blogger's Instagram for delicious-looking food pictures.

6. kattanita

The With Love From Kat blogger's account contains pictures of her enviable closet, apartment, outfits, daily life and New York City. 

7. katespadeny

Kate Spade's Instagram is just as fun as the rest of the brand. Check it out for pictures of merchandise, store interiors and lots of flowers.

8. theeverygirl_

The popular lifestyle blog's feed is filled with everything that is featured on its blog - fashion, beauty, travel, culture, wellness, home decor and inspiring women.

9. carolinacfon

The Vancouver-based fashion blogger's feed contains tons of pretty pictures of clothes, bags, makeup, shoes, home decor and flowers.

10. lolacooks

This high school food blogger's feed features amazing vegan recipes.


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