Shape Up Challenge: Tips for Staying Motivated

This is the fourth post in my Shape Up Challenge series

We're more than half way through June which means the Shape Up Challenge is soon coming to an end! It's easy to stick to your workouts and healthy eating in the beginning, but for some of us it gets more difficult a few weeks in. I'm sharing some tips for staying motivated today in case any of you are in need of some motivation!

shape up challenge
  1. Schedule a time to workout: I find that it's so much easier to stick to my workout routine if I schedule a consistent time to exercise. When I do this, exercise becomes a natural part of my daily routine. If I skip a workout, I really miss it! 
  2. Workout with a friend: Some people love to workout but others hate it. If you are in the latter group, schedule a workout with a friend. You won't believe how fast your workout will go by!
  3. Change up your workouts: Doing the same workout day after day can get boring. Switching up your workouts and trying a variety of different exercises will keep you motivated.
  4. Plan your meals in advance: We've all come home from work or school to find that we have no food in the fridge and end up ordering take out. The best way to combat this is by planning your meals and snacks in advance so you always have healthy food at home. 
  5. Set a goal: If you have something to work towards, it's much easier to stay motivated. Whether your goal is to lose 10lbs or to tone up, simply having something to achieve will keep you from giving up.


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