Valentine's Day Gift Guide for Him

Buying the perfect gift for your boyfriend or husband is always a challenge. With Valentine's Day fast approaching, here are my top gift ideas for the men in your life:

1. A new watch. It's an expensive gift, but a nice watch is a timeless essential that every man needs. Whether you're buying him his first "real" watch or upgrading his current one, he will think of you every time he looks at his wrist.

2. Tech accessories. You can't go wrong gifting your guy with new headphones, speaker dock or tablet case.

3. Something to keep his drink cold. These whiskey stones will do just that without diluting it.

 Whiskey Stones, $24.99

4. Skin care. Although most guys typically don't buy skin care products for themselves, they love to receive it as a gift. Starter kits are great as they offer a variety of products at a promotional price.

5. Fitness tracker.  This is the perfect gift if your man is athletic, into the latest fitness gadgets, or just trying to keep his New Year's Resolution. 

 Nike+ Fuelband, $149.95

6. Something to do with his favorite nerdy thing. All guys have a nerdy side, whether it's superheros, video games, 70s metal bands or fantasy novels. He will love a thoughtful gift like this, especially if it is not a common interest that you both share.


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